Monday, June 24, 2013


Dear Chicago Blackhawks,
You are awesome! So proud to live in this amazing city!

Dear Debra Morgan,
You are the most vulgar character I know, but you're funny as shit. So sad our last season together is upon us.

Dear summer teacher conference,
Why do you have to start so early in the morning? I haven't been awake before 9am in weeks! Naperville by 8am? Sounds fun....

Dear CorePower Yoga,
Dripping sweat or not, I love hot yoga and feel so good after I go. Can't wait to go back for more!

Dear water-damaged iPhone,
You were placed in the sterilizer thing at the nail place and sat on rice for two days. What else did you need to get the text tones working again?

Dear Katie,
Don't forget what your mom taught you about imitation : )


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