Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Alright, if I'm being honest, I have to let you know that I've cheated during the Whole 30. And, since all of you who read this are the ones who keep me accountable, I figure that I owe it to you to fess up. So here you go:

Random Sunday probably 2 weeks ago...
Had three sips of the bf's coffee - which was all sweet and sugared with a peppermint patty creamer. Then I went back to drinking my black coffee. Yes, I drank it black!

I had some salad dressing on an Asian Sesame Chicken Salad. Picked out all the wontons, but definitely ate the salad with that great dressing.

Last Friday
I tried Hektor's Peruvian Inca Kola - he usually never tries to get me to cheat, but insisted I try it since it came "from his ancestors." Tasted like cream soda! Then he told me about how he was going to invent a new drink with it and call it Atahualpa's Revenge. I told him the drunk people would probably have a hard time remembering what it's called, so the new name is still in the works. But it's the Inca Kola + Vodka. And not just any vodka, Heritage Vodka. (You don't recognize this vodka cause it sucks!)

Last Sunday
Bought a burger that I grilled, and then topped it with organic Ketchup. There was sugar in there, but no high fructose corn syrup. That's a definite switch I'm making - tastes just as good! And, if you know me, you know I love ketchup....it's the whole reason for eating french fries (which I shouldn't be eating...).

I also ate a tortilla chip last sunday for dinner. All the others were sweet potato chips, but one was a tortilla chip. I was good with one....can't wait to have more tortilla chips. They are definitely coming back!

I tried to cheat today on some super garlic-y hummus, but the teachers on my team refused to let me. "BREZEK, NO! One more day! What are you crazy?" Turns out no one even liked that hummus because it was so garlic-y. Thanks team for thinking of me!

So there you have it. We'll see how it all turns tomorrow morning. Results will be coming on the blog tomorrow evening. Stay tuned!

Here's to no cheating for the rest of the evening.....


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