Thursday, May 26, 2016

up up & away

A few weeks ago I saw a video with Brené Brown and she was talking about boundaries. I've been thinking about it ever since for a lot of different reasons: I continue to reflect on my last relationship, I'm thinking about possibilities of new relationships too, and deciding what is and what isn't acceptable. I'm in relationships with lots of other people too - family and friends, colleagues at work. The more and more I think about boundaries, the more I'm coming to realize it's in my best interest do draw a line in the sand: One side is okay with me, the other side is not.

Before I go any further, take a few and check out her video:

I have learned so much from my friends, and one thing from Katie and drastically improved my life: Be honest and upfront when people piss you off, and then it's over.

So last year, when my ex brought up something that had been on his mind for months, years even, I totally understood what it felt like to be left in the dark, and I decided I didn't ever want to do that to someone because it wasn't fair. I am be honest with my family and friends and get things off my chest because I would want the same in return.

It's not easy to tell someone you care about (or maybe even someone you don't care about) things they are doing that are crossing the line. Talk about vulnerability - that's it right that. But the thing is that once you do, you feel lighter. Then, the other person knows where you stand and this really creates the space for self-love. They can choose to do what they want with the information, but then it's off your chest and I'm not even kidding when I tell you that you feel like a balloon, drifting up, up, up, so high above everything, feeling light and happy and having nothing bring you down.

Thank you, Brené for reminding me of this.

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