Last night as I was watching the coverage of the election, I saw a promo for Fox News this morning saying they were going to interview a guy who was saying that marriage is dead. Since one of my besties is a Marriage and Family Therapist, and because I'm on spring break, I thought this was something I should definitely tune in and see.
So there we were this morning, me, my laptop and coffee, and the news. I'm patiently waiting for this segment, and finally it comes on and the guy is being interviewed via Skype. As I'm listening, I'm wondering what his credentials are - oh, he's divorced and dating? Well that sounds like someone qualified to be ON THE NEWS.
Anita has her own therapy practice in Chicago and she has yet to be on the news. (I'm sure she's well on her way, but not yet!) But this guy who has no background in Marriage and Family Therapy is being interviewed.
Which got me to thinking - how concerned is the news with reporting real news and research vs. getting ratings? I mean, I tuned in for the same reason I'm sure many people did - for the shock value of the story. But then I hopped right onto Antia's facebook page to get her input:
See, I'm just so used to her preaching marriage and loving relationships and getting the knowledge we need to live those amazing relationships that I was just not feeling this guy and his blog post.
But, shout out to him for tweeting back to both Anita and I, and opening up the conversation.
Go read his article. Thoughts?

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