- Kristy planned a boat cruise for St. Patty's day - I had no idea about this, and then at her birthday party she was all, "How come you're not going? That seems like something you'd want to do?" Yeah, it was!
- The bloggers I collaborate with share a group on Facebook and they're planning a super fun poetry blog hop - and I missed all the planning of that. I don't know if I can still get in, but maybe. Crossing my fingers!
- I have a few invites to parties - luckily some of my friends knew about me being gone, so they also emailed or told me things, so all is well there, too!
It's interesting not being on facebook. I can't tell you how many times teachers would be in the lounge at lunch laughing about something - oh, like that stupid dress (is it white and gold or blue and black?) and I had no idea. "Oh yeah, you're not on facebook," they would say.
But, what did I get from this? A lot of my time back. For awhile there, I didn't even think about it, which makes me really believe you can make a habit form in 30 days. (Currently: working on running habit. Day one down.) So I think the compromise will be no facebook on my phone...that way I can check it but not live on it all the time! I was still on Instagram and Twitter, which I use professionally more than anything so I wasn't void of all social media. What if I tried to give it all up? I couldn't imagine!
So some March catch-up...I got this blog redesigned! I love it - mostly everything but I think I want to switch my picture, but other than that, it's all pretty good. I am hoping to write here once a week and then at least once a week at BigTime Literacy, too!
St. Patty's day was super fun! We went to see the river...
And then met up with friends. I sang Karaoke to gold digger - but I will spare you those pics and videos!
I went to Louder than a Bomb last weekend with Alexa, a friend from work and it was amazing. Spoken word poetry for high school kids. Here is one of my favorite pieces, Parking Dispute:
I also started teaching the grad school class again - I've been completely exhausted, but it's so much better the second time around and it ends in two weeks. I'm so excited for that to be over!
Anyways, glad to be back! Hope you have an amazing Easter Sunday! What else did I miss? Leave me a comment and tell me what is buried deep on the facebook feed!

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