Umm... I'm sure you know. I'm not a fan of Rahm. They just called the election and he won.
Here's what's not cool about this election: The dollar has spoken. Rahm had millions and was able to control the narrative that was going on. He had the ability to post tons of attack ads on Chuy that were all over the media for the past four weeks. This is not democracy. What's it going to take to limit the donations to election campaigns? Same thing with our upcoming presidential race. How much of it is democracy and how much of it is the rich controlling our leaders to have their interests met?
Here's what is cool about what happened: Chuy Garcia, who doesn't have the financial resources that Rahm does worked so hard and garnered 46% of the vote with his limited resources. He forced our first runoff election in our city's history! He forced Rahm to get out and knock on doors and talk to people, and tone down his attitude. Hopefully, he's taught Rahm that he should listen to more people than just his friends making campaign donations. He showed all of us that grassroots organizing can be done, and we can really have an election that reflects a true voice of the people.
And, if you ask my dad, here's what he'd tell you about this election:
And so there you have it - another four years of Rahm dealing favors to his buddies...
What's your take on the runoff election?

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