Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Whole 31.5 Day Challenge?

You can find them at Costco.
Whole 30 compliant!
There I was today, around 11am during our Institute Day munching on some roasted almonds. LeeAnn had texted me about an amazing new apple sauce she found, so I thought I would just ask her if the almonds were okay to be eating. Her reply, "Nope, sorry."

Not only was I bummed, I also felt majorly disappointed because I thought I would have to start over, making this a 31.5 day challenge. I'm down for 30 days, and I know I will form some new habits, but I definitely can't live without cupcakes and tortillas forever. Luckily she laughed and said it was okay. I gave the almonds to Julia and we were good to go. (I really did like those almonds, too.)

Lots of headaches today. Is this because my body is processing out all the bad food I ate over the past two weeks? Even Jon noticed I seemed bummed. I feel like a pain doing this challenge around work friends, especially when we have to pick a place to go out. The original idea was a pizza place, but everyone was down for my suggestion: Buona Beef. I thought I would be a little better off going there.

I was a little worried about going out to lunch, but I got a naked sandwich - just the beef and there was some Italian Sausage in there too. What's the word on that? I had a side of fruit and more water. I haven't had anything but water in two days! (But I do have some lemon flavored seltzer water with lemon slices at night...you need to try and mix it up a little!) On the way out, there was a little display and I actually checked the ingredients of their beef - no sugar, and everything that was okay! I also skipped everything from Baskin Robbins which we stopped at on the way back to school. To some maybe this isn't any big deal, but I have such a sweet tooth!

The bf came and we went and did a couch to 5K run (I finally finished week 4's run: run 3 minutes, walk 1.5 min, run 5 minutes, walk 2.5 minutes, then repeat). I'm so proud of myself! I think it is so true that running with someone will totally help you - I just kept thinking that my legs didn't hurt as much as last time....and I didn't want him to be disappointed in me. I barely finished, but finished. I plan on repeating these week 4 runs again next week. Not sure I could move to a harder run when I can't even finish the one I'm on and feel good about it.

We came home and relaxed a little and then he wanted to go out to eat. By the time we left (to walk to dinner....it's beautiful here!) it was probably 7:30. I still wasn't even hungry at all! We went to Avenue Ale House down the street and I had a turkey burger with some veggies on top and a salad. I actually didn't even finish it all...didn't need to because I wasn't that hungry anymore. I did have a pickle. Not sure if that is cool or not.
7A Teachers : )
Michelle, Jon, Charlie, Julia, and me

Such a great day today (minus the headaches). I am feeling pretty good about all of this and I know I can make it though the whole challenge. Sorry to work friends or anyone who I hang out with if it's annoying, but I really appreciate your patience.

Looking forward to a great day 3!


  1. Can't wait to try the applesauce! Bummer on the roasted almonds :( I had some slivered raw ones today, better than the whole raw ones I think. I'm pretty sure that sausage is a no-go...LeeAnn? Don't sweat those tiny mess ups with ingredients. I'm sure that I messed up on my first one (and probably now too). I think the main thing is that you're very aware, asking questions, reading labels, etc.

    You are so, so strong. I know you'll finish the whole thing without question.

  2. I agree about not sweating making mistakes. Realize it, and move on.

    regarding headaches -- if you didn't normally drink water before, what did you drink? I tend to get myself addicted to caffeine when I'm not paying attention, and then quit cold turkey, which will give me headaches for a while, depending on how much tea and diet soda I was drinking the week before I quit cold turkey.

  3. Re: Sausage - Technically, any sausage or bacon (or other meat) with nitrates is not whole 30 compliant. At times, I choose to believe that the sausage I'm eating (out) is both nitrate and sugar free. I think I remember learning that Buona Beef definitely uses nitrate-free sausage!!! So did AZ Grand a couple weeks ago when my work summit was there. Also, I choose to believe that some nitrates are better than others. My butcher uses a kind of natural nitrate for bacon and I eat it. I could be fooling myself, but that's how I roll, regardless.

    See, there's all kinds of crazy on this paleo diet. And it depends which one (crazy person) you're listening to. There are some paleo folks i.e., Robb Wolff, who promotes bacon, bacon, and more bacon. There are other paleo folks who don't allow tomatoes, because they are a "nightshade" rather than a vegetable. To that, I give a big middle finger.

    Michelle was right on about the peanuts in her last post. I'm pretty sure I've read other crazies that have said no to cashews for some reason and no to macadamias for another reason... I can't remember because I chose to give a middle finger to them too.

    And then the top level of crazy that I read about, was some roommates who live in New York City (I think 2 guys and a girl) who only eat raw meat. They also do weird hunter-gatherer type crawling exercises around the park and if I remember correctly, they don't wear shoes. There are no fingers long enough.

    To me, the goal of Whole 30 is to stay as compliant as possible for 30 days, so that when it is all said and done, you have lots of foods that you can go to on a regular basis, that are unprocessed, sugar-free and chemical/weird stuff-free. That being said, Michelle eat your almonds. And when you're done, try buying some raw nuts and see how that works for you. If you don't like them, fine. But if you do... boom, even better. I typically alternate between almonds and macadamias.

    So yeah, ask me about sausage and I'll write a book about bacon, tomatoes, and raw meat. That should teach ya... ;-)
