Monday, March 26, 2012


Since I began this journey, I have been forced to come to appreciate (even like!) new foods. Here are a few of the things I've tried within the past few days that I'm loving!

First is Justin's Almond Butter. I tried it and liked it right away, but had my mom try it and she was not so fond. Perhaps it's because I haven't had any super-ultra-flavor-enhanced food in a week (I'm on day 8 already!!) but it's good. I got it at Whole Foods. Pretty expensive...$9.99, but it's okay while I'm on the challenge. I don't think I will convert to it after the challenge is over, but for now, good stuff.
Next up is the Larabar. I had apple and cherry pie flavors first and LOVED them. These bars are all natural - the cherry pie one has three ingredients: dates, almonds, and unsweetened cherries. I bought a few the first time that had stuff I can't eat - like peanuts and chocolate chips, but I'll just save them until the challenge is over. I have lots of flavors to try still: Key Lime Pie, Cappucchino, Tropical Fruit Tart, and Blueberry Muffin.

You can get them at Whole Foods or Trader Joe's. They are also pretty expensive - up to $1.69 for one at Whole Foods, but they were a little cheaper at Trader Joe's.

And then there are some classic standbys that I had for lunch today - turkey burger, with veggies and mustard on top and asparagus (brushed with olive oil and sprinkled with garlic) that I grilled.

So there's lots of options of things to eat. When I go out to eat, I tend to get fish, because I haven't really bought and prepared that here yet. I had some blackened Mahi-Mahi and veggies last night when I met up with my sister in Charlotte. The cook actually prepared a whole fresh batch of veggies for me, since they usually just use butter (which I told the waiter I couldn't have). They were really accommodating!

All that being said, there are a few things I Diet Arizona Green Tea (flavored with honey, which I can't have), tortilla chips (not corn compliant), cereal and milk...which I know can be lots of carbs, but I think I'm going to go all Kashi after, and I've already switched to Almond Breeze Almond Milk a long time ago. Oh, and more variety of salad dressing. It gets kind of boring when I have two choices - oil and vinegar or this sugar free one by Bolthouse Farms (also found at Whole Foods).

So that's what I've been working on to upgrade myself today. (Also went running!) What have you all done? Please share any ideas that could be Whole 30 compliant!


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