Sunday, March 6, 2022

many ways to build collective efficacy

 New teachers need mentors;

we show up.

Friday treats in the lounge each week;

we show up.

Warm fuzzies on Valentine's Day;

we show up.

To lead staff development and pick the best practices;

we show up.

When there are birthdays, engagements, and new babies;

we show up.

To have fun with one another, day-to-day;

we show up.

To all the documents that archive our work and help us improve instruction year to year;

we show up.

When someone just needs a hug or to cry or vent;

we show up.

When someone becomes unwell;

we show up.

When there is loss and grief;

we show up.

In love and support for Ukraine;

we show up.


  1. Love this post! We have to stick together and I admire staffs and colleagues who are able to bring people in to the family versus forming cliques and groups. Well said!

  2. You always show up, and for that I am forever thankful for you.

  3. I like your writing style! I toyed with something like this for today's post. I chickened out. You have inspired me. Now I just have to pull the trigger.
