Good, Good Life is new to Currently, but the blogger behind it isn't. You may already know me from BigTime Literacy! What you don't know is that my blogging roots started here - I began writing as I was completing a Whole 30 food challenge. I loved blogging, but after the challenge ended, I struggled with what most writers do: What do I write about now? I realized I wrote a lot about teaching, which is how I started BigTime Literacy, but I wanted to continue to write here too, sharing my personal stories and pictures of my family and friends. And honestly, writing with less of a filter. My teaching blog is linked up with my school district so I need to keep that much more professional, but sometimes I just want to be funny and drop an F-Bomb - I did get my beginnings teaching in middle school, after all!
I just had the blog redesign done by Kassie at Designs by Kassie and I love it! I hope you'll follow my more personal stories here at GGL!
And now, without further ado, let's get on with Currently!
Listening to...Sugar by Maroon 5
This video has made me absolutely LOVE this song. It's so so so so good (and how how cute is Adam Levine with those glasses?) Last weekend Hektor showed it to me and I seriously watched it like 10 times before the weekend ended. Check it out, I promise you'll love it too!
Loving my new blog redesign!
So I love Kassie - and now that she's done two blogs for me, she totally knows my style! I love the pink and gold, I love the Chicago reference with the little heart, I love glitter - totally cute! What do you think?
Thinking about hosting a book club!
So I was thinking about hosting a virtual book club - it will probably be over on BigTime Literacy, but I heard about this great book at a conference a few weeks ago - Visible Learning for Teachers: Maximizing Impact on Learning. Hattie, the author, did a huge analysis of 1,000s of studies and found the highest-yielding strategies that teachers can use to maximize learning. So, anyone interested? I am doing the Slice of Life writing challenge all of March, but maybe in April or May? Or perhaps summer break? I was thinking we'd all read, and then I'd host a linky every week so people can join in with me!
Wanting Chuy Garcia to make Rahm a #OneTermMayor
It's no secret that Rahm is a 1%er guy who doesn't think with the middle and lower class in mind. Kinda like a lot of the people running our government and it's particularly clear with education in mind. The reformsters want to do away with public schools (Rahm closes 50 and then has plans to open 22 charters in their place?) If you've done any reading of Diane Ravitch, you know all about the downfalls of charters and beginnings of the hopes to privatize public education. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, get Ravitch's book, follow her blog, and look up the Badass Teachers Association. And check out Chuy's education platform here!
Needing the weather to warm up!
I'm so over the cold and crappy weather. Days of no sunshine and grey skies - I want them behind me! February in Chicago has been so cold, so I'm hoping for a warm up in March. I feel like spring and summer are so far will I ever make it to Spring Break (which doesn't start till Easter!)
Spring Break Plans
No plans to travel - so I'm happy to be home and relaxing and spring cleaning! Just found out that I'm going to Spain in 2017 with a former student and my best friend and her students - so as far as travel plans, I'll take that!
And before I go, just have to share a super funny meme I found on Instagram:
If you don't follow @teachermisery, get on it. Whoever runs that account posts the most hilarious things! Seriously though, what a complete waste of web space and news! Did you know this made World News last night? Really....there's nothing better going on?
I hope you'll follow my blog! And make sure you head over to Farley's blog and link up your Currently!
Happy Sunday!

Hey Michelle, been following you a while over at your other blog. I had no idea you had this one too, and this was the beginning! Didn't know what the design was before, but I love the pink and glitter! I "amen" your needing a little bit of warmth to our current conditions. I have to help deliver Girl Scout Cookies in all of this cold and mess! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm loving your blog design too!!!
Mrs. Stanford's Class
Your blog design rocks! I never had the chance to see the other version, but I'm diggin' this style. :) LOL about the dress! There was a big chat about it in the teacher's lounge the other day. Too funny. By the way, I'm your newest Bloglovin' and Twitter follower! Woot-woot!
ReplyDeleteLiteracy Loving Gals
Even though your Twitter account was being followed by me way back when, since it's BigTime Literacy... :)
DeleteLove the new look! I must be a big Kassie fan because I love BOTH of your designs and use them for my inspiration for my own redesign... which should be done maybe in this lifetime! I used the dress as my Friday meme since it was all my students could talk about! haha
ReplyDeleteWow! Kassie did an amazing job! I love Maroon 5 too!
ReplyDeleteLove your new blog, and definitely will follow!
The Education Kingdom