Okay so anyways! I am home on a lazy Saturday but being very productive. I'm doing laundry and working on my grad school class for Tuesday. I've got a Taylor Swift bio providing a little background noise that I've been halfway watching - until it got to the part when Kanye went and stole her mic in 2009. This led me on a YouTube treasure hunt - to find the video of the incident, which took me to a few more. Check out the few I've watched:
When Kanye commits the mic-stealing:
And then Beyone's response when she wins:
I just got to thinking what a class act that Beyonce is. She was obviously mortified when Kanye did what he did (even though I'm sure it may have been for good intentions), but to give Taylor her time back was just amazing.
The background noise show I was watching talked about how different Taylor and Kanye are, and pointed out that they are "raised" in different communities...the hip-hop community and the country community. I couldn't agree more. I mean, I love a little rap now and then, but that community has just gotten so explicit, so dirty, and I don't even know all the drama that goes on - there or anywhere else. Nashville, on the other hand, just seems to have a better set of values.
I'm just a proud fan of Taylor Swift. I'm going to her concert this summer with one of my best friends and I can't wait!
What's your take on her?

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