The rest here is going to be a lot of randomness...
Friday & Pajamas
I've been having some crazy busy weeks. So much so, that I'm ecstatic to be on my couch in my pajamas well before 10pm. The boyfriend is out with his friends, and I'm home with mine - the blog, a book or two, and maybe a movie. I would say I'm more introverted than an extrovert, so having time to myself gets me geared up for another week. Who's with me?!
Sorry Rahm
Did you hear? I'm so happy that Rahm didn't win the mayoral election in Chicago last Tuesday! He's not good for education.... he doesn't have (or support) a democratically elected school board, he supports the creation of more charter schools, and he can't work collaboratively with the teacher's union. I just think it's so amazing that he spent $14 million on a campaign and even had Obama here last week endorsing him - and he still didn't pull it off. It gives me hope that we really are still living in a Democracy...the voice of the people has been heard!
And now, on to April and a new mayor! Here's a little video so you can get to know Rahm's competition, and check out his education platform here!
No fb for Lent
You probably didn't read my last post - because I couldn't post it on facebook, because I gave up fb for lent. Yeah, it's been a week and a half and I'm constantly getting emails saying how much I'm missing out. But I'm going to stay strong! So, if you're going to say something about my blog, leave me a comment here, or I won't get it until April! (I have since figured out how to have Blog'Lovin post on fb for me!)
One Wish
I wish I was in AZ this weekend - hanging out with Katie, sunbathing in the....shit, what's it called? When you sit on the grass at spring training games? I've clearly been gone for too long! Anyways, I wish I was going to AZ sometime soon - I miss my friends, some former students, and the beautiful weather!
I will be writing every day in March for the Slice of Life writing challenge with Two Writing Teachers! Those posts will be over on BigTime Literacy - make sure to follow if you're not!
What are you doing this weekend? Hope it's great!

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ReplyDeleteOk I think I got it now! Nice talking with you today, call me on your way to work next week. Have a good weekend and tell Hektor hello from us! Love you honey
ReplyDeleteYay mom, yeah, you got it! :-) Talk soon! xo
DeleteI love the new blog. It's making me want to make mine over!
ReplyDeleteTotally get a makeover friend! We're going to be famous one day, for sure! :-)
DeleteWait... bloglovin' will post to my blog page for me? I thought it would only post to my personal page, which I don't want.