Monday, June 4, 2012

Savor the moments....

If this weekend is any indication of how the summer will play out....then I won't be disappointed!

The color run was AMAZING! You definitely don't even need to be a runner to do it. Pretty much everyone can go and it's a good time. I ran most of it, but walked a little. I am attributing that to the six drinks I had at the Sox game Friday night, but either way.

Speaking of the Sox game, that was pretty awesome! A girl from work had tickets and when we got to the game, we found out they were in the third row! Such a fun time with friends from work. Good to hang out with some people I don't see that often!

And to end it all, we spent two days at the Sausage Fest in Wrigley. (Go ahead with your jokes!) Lots of bands, lots of food, and fun with friends.

 of all, it's Monday. I'm not at work. I've been up since 7, have done two loads of laundry, went for a 2 mile run, and now I'm parked on the couch watching Regis and Kelly with a cup of coffee. Hello summer vacation!


  1. Yay for summer vacation!!! You deserve it....hope it relaxing, fun and renewing.

    Miss ya Michelle!

  2. You deserve every minute of your summer! Except for the move it should be pretty fun! Can't wait to see your new place. I told Rob you were moving and he said, "we don't have to move her, do we?" HA! I'm sure he could hang some picture's for you tho, but then again Hektor seems to have that under control as well. Love you honey!!

  3. I'm doing a color run in a few months--and I'm really looking forward to it! Good to see that you had a great time!

    I'm so glad you stopped by my blog and dropped a line! I love meeting other teacher bloggers!
    I hope the rest of your summer break is just as fantastic!
