Thursday, July 11, 2013

It's just....a little crush

So I thought I was just watching Dexter because it was basically all I had left of my old relationship, but I think I actually have a crush on him. I'm not sure why. He's a serial killer. But look how hot he is in the opening credits:

Even though I watch all of the shows from Showtime On Demand, I always stop forwarding at this part of the credits, just to see his face. Soooo hot.

In case I haven't seen you to tell you, (for those I have seen, sorry about this obsession - I know you've heard about it over, and Over, and OVER again) the premise of the show is that Dexter has this need to kill. Things happened to him in his childhood which caused this, and so he deals with his urges by "cleaning up Miami" and killing killers. Only people who fit his "code." (way to go nuts with the quotes, Michelle....)

Lucky for him, he works for Miami Metro Police in blood spatter, so he has access to all kinds of information. He can run DNA and find out where people live and look at their rap sheets.

So then, once he has proof that they have killed, he kills them.


I've watched all the shows to date (not a huge fan of this 8th season - it's so sad with Deb being so messed up!) but I just go back and keep watching over again.

One of the many hilarious moments of Dexter:

And the best thing: I've got another friend addicted, too. I sent Katie season one and she's hooked. She forwarded it on to my sister, so I'm sure she's going to like it as well. So far those discs have been to Phoenix and Charlotte....anyone else want to see? I think they should travel all over this country! Plus, then I'd have more people to discuss it with, ad nauseam...

So until I find Mr. Right, I have Dexter Morgan. Seems fair : )

So hot!

And one more thing: Is this for real? So funny....

Who else out there loves Dex as much as I do? I've seriously thought about naming my kid that if I ever had a boy. Would it be bad to name your baby after a serial killer? I wouldn't have to tell him, would I? Seriously. Obsessed.

and that is all.


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