Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sweet Alternatives

Aside from a 2:50 lockdown at school (that lasted until 4:15) I had a pretty good day. Big success: hung out with Dad and Annie and they had my favorite pizza ever - Aurelios. I didn't even consider partaking in it. I was good to go!

I think I'm mostly going to get sick of salads. Tomorrow I'm making some fajitas before school (I prepped everything tonight so I can just grill it up and throw it in a tupperware...) but I need a change of pace! Lesson learned: This is a lot of work when you've got to go to work!

Now, back to the topic at hand...
I had head about Paleo Ice Cream - I only had a frozen banana, a raw banana, and unsweetened cocoa powder, but I blended it up and it's pretty good! It definitely tasted like some chocolate candy bar - and it was all natural, so that's cool to know that there are options. I know that once I get a few more ingredients - coconut milk and some almond butter (?) or some other kind of nut butter (which is best?), I'm sure it will be better.

Not going to lie - mine looked like some brown goo, but it tastes good! I put way too much cocoa powder in it. Plus when it melts it gets this slightly wierd consistency, but it serves it's purpose for the sweet tooth! This guy will explain how to make it if you're interested!

Last thoughts - I'm waiting for my sleep to improve, which is something my friends said would happen by eating on this challenge. I always wake up in the night and now, when it's nighttime and no  one is around, and everyone is sleeping, the little people in my head (LPIMH) go something like this: "Oh, one will know if you ate a Thin Mint! Or a granola bar! Just do it. No. Must. Not. Fail. Don't quit! Get some water and get your @$$ back to bed before you screw it all up!" Needless to say, I'm looking forward to the nights when I sleep all the way through....

Going to sleep satisfied tonight...

1 comment:

  1. I have been eating a lot of vegetarian soup during lent -- I often don't remember to pack my lunch so it'll be either that or the salad bar at work, and I can't seem to make a good salad (i think I put too much stuff on it, maybe?). That plus an apple or banana will get me through lunch, but I'm also hungry earlier.
