Monday, July 1, 2013

Currently July

So I was browsing blogs and came across this little gem: Ladybug's Teacher Files. This teacher does a Currently blog each month, and it's something I think would be a great staple. Enjoy, and see her blog if you'd like to join!

Listening to Glowing by Nikki Williams
I love this song. While it's not the Blurred Lines summer 2013 anthem, I love it because I would love to find a great that makes me feel like I'm glowing.

"A million hearts, you're the only one....who lights it up, like I'm glowing in the dark." Love.

Loving Chicago
My family was just in town for a long weekend and we got to do and see lots of the things we remember from our childhood. Stacey and I went to our childhood houses, to a Sox game, and ate Aurelio's. The pinwheels on the Jumbotron at Comiskey: if that's not nostalgia (for me anyways), I don't know what is. Love that I get to call this amazing city my home.

Thinking that I'd love to have a kid someday
I guess I used to always say to one of my friends, Heather, "If I have a kid someday...." and now, I have decided that I hope I do. Now, I'm not going to rush into a relationship that doesn't work for a baby, but hopefully the right guy - you know, the one that makes me feel like I'm glowing? - well, hopefully he's out there and wants a kid, too. After a weekend with my two nieces, I can imagine that it is probably the most rewarding thing you can do with your life - to see your kids experience all the things you did as a child and to live vicariously through them. I know it's a ton of work, which is why I will not do it alone, but one day....yeah. Cross your fingers.

Wanting a call from a friend
I have a great group of girlfriends, spread out all over this country. Each of them is important to me and I love them dearly. Some I talk to daily, and others rarely, but no matter what, we always pick up right where we left off. They are always there for me when I need them, but I'm trying to plan a trip to see a certain someone and I'd really like to hear from her. Are you reading my blog, bff? If you are please call so we can figure out air!

Needing to eat clean
As I sit eating ice cream, (I know, wtf?) I realize that this weekend, while great to see family, has also led to some pretty crazy and over-the-top eating. I wanted to show my sister's husband a great time in Chicago (first-timer!), and let's face it, there's lots you have to eat: a roast beef sandwich, deep dish pizza, a chicago-style hot dog, just to name a few.

Well, the jig's up and it's time to clean out the fridge (my sister already tossed the mayo from 2009) and get back to the kinds of food that make me feel good and energized.

Tips, Tricks, or Hints: Be Humble
This can be hard when you're passionate about a topic. Like me and teaching reading. I get all excited and know lots and want to share everything I know, but it's good to remember that no one likes someone who wants to sit on their soapbox and tell you everything about everything. So, let's remember to be modest and that everyone knows lots of stuff about lots of different topics. Listen and appreciate.

Did you like the Currently blog? If you did, you can find directions for it here. Also, stop by the gal's page who created the idea.

You know how they say if you put it out into the universe, it will be yours? Well, my friend whom I was waiting on called as I wrote this blog. Excited to see Seattle at the end of this month!

What else can I call on the universe for? : )


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