Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Winter break for DAZE

I am really loving Christmas break this year. We worked up until the 22nd of December, and while that was hard to be so busy preparing for Christmas without having many days off, I made it work. Fast forward traveling, seeing family, celebrating Christmas, eating a lot of food, New Years, and then a flight back to Chicago, you know, feeling that holiday hustle and DAZE, but now... thankful for the seemingly unending DAYS of Christmas break, because I'm out till the 8th!

It's been so nice, too, to slow down. Take today: slept until 7:30. Stayed in bed until 8:30. Got up, did a few chores around the house, ran by school (don't judge me, but the main reason I went was to take the Christmas decorations down and put up the Valentine's Day ones! hahah), then visited a friend, and now I'm chillin' at Starbucks with a tea and writing.

And it's pretty neat.

I still have a few more days off and I'll be able to spend time with my coteacher tomorrow going to yoga, do a little bit of work with my side hustle (Arbonne), work out at home a bit, prepare for a healthy living challenge, and not have to wake up to an alarm.

These breaks certainly make a difference for creating balance in teacher's lives.

I've also realized how important it is to have some plans on the calendar. I've got two trips in a few months: Vegas in April and Denver in May. Having plans to look forward to make such a difference, especially in Chicago when it's a tundra and below zero with the windchill.

Wishing you peaceful vibes on break or school days that are blissful with your kiddos!

Cheers to 2018!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are enjoying your break! You are lucky to have so long. Districts around here went back today. Happy new year!
