Birthdays are the best.
On a birthday, you get 100 messages on facebook wishing you the best day. Sometimes they tell you that you are amazing and loyal and fun and that they're thankful to celebrate 20 years of friendship with you or that you should celebrate with drinks until you #CloseOneEyeTonight.
On your birthday, kids wait around after school to find you, just to give you some of their Halloween candy. (Which from it you take one favorite and then politely decline the rest because, let's be honest, if you take it all home, self-control goes out the window.)
On your birthday, you've already talked to your parents, because they wanted to be first and so they Facetimed you last night.
On your birthday, text messages roll in like the tide on a warm summer day, with those little balloons that are all over the new Verizon commercial. And speaking of a warm day...
On your birthday, the weather is 70 degrees. On November 1st.
On your birthday, your friends at work not only light candles and sing to you, but turn off the lights in the teacher's lounge to do so. And you feel silly and like a little kid, but you secretly love it.
On your birthday, you hear the voice of each person who writes you a card through their words. One ends with the LOVE in huge caps and hearts all over, and you can hear the way she means it, because she yells it down hallways, across classrooms, and generally speaking, when you are in her presence. And she is so full of love. And you are lucky to have her in your life.
On your birthday, a whole new group of sisters you've found via Arbonne text or leave you the most meaningful notes on facebook, telling you to keep dreaming and keep reaching towards the sky. And so even though October did not go as you expected, your faith is renewed, and reaching toward the sky you continue to do.
On your birthday, the Cubbies are still playing baseball. In November. And a birthday Grand Slam comes in the top of the third.
On your birthday, Starbucks and balloons arrive to your classroom before most people are even awake for their corporate jobs.
On your birthday, you find an unsigned note on your desk from a student... and you know that all the nagging and strictness is okay with them, and you forgive yourself for all the things you didn't get to last quarter, because they are good people.
On your birthday, the Fed Fam sends over balloons and a fruit bouquet so you can celebrate but be healthy, too. (You eat the chocolate covered strawberries first!)
On your birthday, you go shoe shopping!
On your birthday, you reconnect with your blog, because saving the moments of this amazing life is such a blessing.
On your birthday, you hope all the people in your life know just how thankful you are for each. one. of. them. Yes, I mean you.

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