Here's the skinny on my weekend!
Summer officially began for me yesterday when Hektor and I went to the Piqniq concert in Tinley. Here's the lineup:
But even better? Ry randomly spotted Hektor and I (who originally were planning to go alone) so we had a bunch of friends to hang out with!
(When I say take care... I mean, hold his beer?) :-)
Super fun day! Glad I've got this guy to show me new music!
Pinterest Project
Three summers ago I made a summer Shutterfly book and I loved it. Then last summer, I went to Europe, and then came home with hundreds of pics, and so it was overwhelming to think of making the book. This year, I'm going to make it as I go. It's called "Summer Love" and it's going to feature all my faves in these sunglasses:
Here's the front cover - will have pics all with friends and family in these glasses:
My niece is the first one to come for a visit (her first visit to Chicago!!!) and get the glasses. I told my sister to ask her what color she wants. I guess this was the exchange:
Stacey: Caitlyn, Auntie's buying you these sunglasses, what color?
Caitlyn: Really, Auntie?
and when I told Katie, she said, "You're dumb, but you're cute."
Why does no one like my styles? Important note: If I tell you I'm buying these for you, just pick a color and go along with it!
Book Review
This book really pissed me off. Main character, cheating on her fiancé. (Spoiler if you're reading it!) Then come to find out at the end that the fiancé was doing the same to her. Then, he is telling her, "We're perfect for each other, we're both the same, having meaningless sex with others on the side and it's okay!"
I was just so mad that they thought this would be okay, that it underminded (is that the past tense of undermind?) monogamy. I mean, maybe we're not meant to be monogomous (research on that, anyone?) but still.... Not cool. This book was just okay, I'm actually surprised that I actually finished it, but I committed to summer reading and am also hoping to read all these before we go back to work:
I'm holding a book study on Daring Greatly over at BigTIme Literacy if you blog. It will be every Thursday in July!
What are you reading this summer?
How was your weekend? Hope it was fab!

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