20-40% off all products, for the year!
Once you have enrolled as a PC, you can shop all individual products at 20% off. Additionally, if you purchase an Arbonne Special Value Pack (ASVP), you earn 40% savings. Arbonne runs value packs in skin care (RE9), nutrition, and makeup. Additionally, through the end of July 2018, the new products that have just launched in April are bundled in an ASVP, too!
Browsing our online store

Of course, you probably have a catalog on hand, and it's usually easier to order simply by texting the items you'd like to me. I'm happy to process that for you, I'll just give you call afterwards for your payment information.
Free Shipping
Please keep in mind that shipping is a flat rate of 7.95, unless the RETAIL value of your order reaches $150. Once you hit that volume, shipping is waived, and you earn a free gift! Remember, the retail value is $150, but after you take your 20-40% off, your out of pocket cost will certainly be lower. See the graphic below for a price point comparison!
Free Gifts
For every order of $150 placed, Arbonne adds a free gift to your account in the form of a voucher for your subsequent order. So, hypothetically, on your first order, you shop and spend $150 retail, and earn a voucher for a free gift on your second order.
Order number two must be placed within 60 days to redeem your free gift. The waived shipping and the free gifts really make shopping Arbonne much more economical, as you can see below.
It's always my recommendation that Preferred Clients shop every 60 days for 3-5 items, since your free gift is only valid for two months. In the event that you do not need anything or you do not want to try anything new, just let me know. Usually, I can find a shopper to use your voucher, so that way another one populates to your account and is good for another two months.
Here's the current free gift list, as of 6/1/18 --
The intent of this post was just to give a bit more information about making the most of your shopping with Arbonne. I'm always here to help out with any questions you might have, or do the ordering on your behalf to simplify everything!
Have a great night!