I went today for the introduction class. The leader guy Greg explained the basics of CF - group setting, go at your own pace and work on improving your own stats, do basic exercises that help you become fit...."Fit people look better." Such knowledge in such simple words.
So then we do our little practice Workout of the Day (WOD). Greg shows us proper form for everything - and then we get to work.
WOD #1
60 Jumping Jacks
50 Kettle Ball Sumo Dead Lifts
40 Squats
30 Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
60 Jumping Jacks
I think there were 13 of us in the group, all just going about our workout at our own pace. I started off super good with the jumping jacks thinking to myself, "I can totally do this. Piece of cake. I'll finish in no time."
I get through half of the kettle ball exercises and need a break, but then I get those finished. I moved on to the squats and whatever, they are squats so pretty simple. Good form, not really worrying about how long it will take to finish, focusing on a point on the wall in front of me, getting down to business.
By the time I got to the sit-ups, I had never been happier to do them in all my life. First of all, I got to lay on the floor and I got to use my arms/momentum to help sit up. Got a little more challenging towards the end, but nothing compared to the push-ups.
So then they begin. There's no girly-modified-on-your-knees pushups here, either. If you can't do it from plank position up and down, (after you put your chest on the floor) then you have to lift your chest and straighten your arms and then lift your butt off the floor back to plank. I DIED on the push ups. Did five. Stopped. Did five more. Stopped. Did two. TWO!! Stopped. Then three more. Then the rest (however many that was....) Don't judge me.
I slowly get myself up for the last set up jumping jacks, and by this time everyone has already finished. When I started this WOD, there was no way I was thinking I was going to be the last to finish. I mean, make no mistake, I'm out of shape, but I didn't think more out of shape than every other person there. So there I am, alone, doing the jumping jacks. The person I thought I'd be faster than was cheering me on, and I'm too light-headed to even try and figure out how I was dead last.
Oh well. I didn't quit. I finished. 13:27 for all that, but it got done.
Honestly, I'd rather go work out for 13:27 at that intensity than work out for an hour at a gym with tons of breaks and hardly ever getting my heart rate up.
So yes, I say success! I'm excited to go back, but nervous at the same time. I wonder how many times I have to come in last?!