Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What do you make?

Disclaimer: I don't mean for this blog to "toot my own horn." Hopefully you will not think I need to eat a piece of humble pie after reading this, but, at this time of the school year and all the reminiscing I do, I am just so proud of my students and how much they've grown. So, bear with me and see what I mean!

Now, let's frame this post with one of my favorite videos....I'm sure most of my teaching friends have seen it : )
So...what does a teacher make? After 9 years in the biz, here's a few of the things I make:

I make kids build relationships within their class so they can reach deeper levels of learning and thinking.

I make kids love reading.
I make kids love reading.

I make kids work harder than ever before.

I make kids curious about history and their futures.

I make kids ignore the critic in their head that wants to judge their writing too soon.

I make kids feel confident about the things they are doing right.

I make kids enjoy class with a little fun and silliness (as long as they don't take it too far...
I make kids keep trying until they figure things out.

I am constantly inspired by the people I work with. I couldn't do my job as well as I do without people like this by my side each day...
and some former colleagues who are amazing teachers and make learning and school so much fun! How I miss the T-Shirt Super Heroes!

To all my teacher friends who have already ended their year or are about to, I hope you're feeling as good as I am to close up shop and recharge for next year!

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome!! Your students are so lucky to have you! I love the way you put your heart and soul into teaching!

    This video cracked me up!!!!

    Tales From a Traveling Teacher
